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Valentines Event 2025
07.02.2025 00:00
Hello everyone
Today we are releasing the Valentines Event 2025 edition.
This year you will find a complex event which is based 99% on running dungeons and participating to war. The 1% is luck
Event Overview:
Your main goal is to get the exclusive Valentines 2025 Passive which is found in the event dungeon/Green Despair YUL/In red bouquets. On the sideline, you will get a bunch of usefull consumable items which will help you with gaining alz in order to improve your character.
The basics:
-Gm Franky will Spawn on the first 3 maps. [I dont know the locations or the respawn time] but most likely you know them already.
-GM Franky will drop: Consumable potions, Alz and The Valentines 2025 Dungeon.
The Valentines 2025 Dungeon:
-Very easy dungeon, completed in few seconds which means that it can be cleared by both new and old players with 0 effort.
-The droplist of the dungeon is indicated on the entry item in the [Droplist] section.
-All dungeons have the chance to drop the Valentines 2025 Rose(Red) from all monsters.
-In some dungeons, In the Legendary Chest you will be able to dorp the Red Bouquets.
Mission War:
-Mission War reward chest[the one which you get for obtaining 100 pts in TG] has been adjusted and now rewards you with 1 x Red Boquet for every chest you open.
Daily Quest:
-The Cabal Galaxy Daily Quest has been adjusted and will reward you with Valentines Letter 2025.
The BattePass:
-BattlePass can be acessed on Website>Dashboard>BattlePass and it has a new season with Valentines Day 2025 rewards.
-You can Buy Premium BattlePass for 400b ALZ which must be mailed ingame to character called: [ADM]Starlord
-You can Buy Booster BattlePass for 30.000 Ecoins which must be mailed ingame to character called: [ADM]Starlord
-You can Buy Reset BattlePass for 30.000 Ecoins which must be mailed ingame to character called: [ADM]Starlord
*Discalimer for Reset BattlePass option: When you use this, both the premium and booster get removed once reset is claimed.
The Exchange NPC:
-Event Girl YUL- Green Despair Map - Valentines 2025 Tab - will serve you as the exchange NPC during the event period.
Available promos during the Valentines Event 2025:
-For every 1 euro you spend you will be rewarded with an Red Bouquet (acc bind)
-Until monday morning 10.02.2025 at 10AM server time, a 25% ecoin promo has been enabled.
*Discalimer for Red Bouquets - These are sent manually whenever I get time to process them [every few hours, when I am not sleeping]

Asteroid Event
10.01.2025 00:00
Hello everyone
Toda, 17.01.2025 a new even unfolds for Cabal Galaxy players.
The event is called Asteroid Event.
Asteroids have landed on our server and they will be avaliable to be collected by galaxians from the following locations:
-Legendary Chests of dungeons
-Daily Quest
-Mission War Reward Box
Asteroids can be used at Event Girl Yul - Green Despair - Asteroid Event Tab.
The event duration is until 07.02.2024 BUT it can be extended IF players will demand it.
*On 07.02.2024 our Valentines event will start even if the Asteroid Event will be extended or not.
Keep in Mind, our Battle Pass Event is also running and it can be accessed via Website>Dashboard>BattlePass.
During this weekend starting now until 20.01.2024 at 10AM server time, all ecoin purchases will recieve 30% extra ecoins on every purchase.

Happy New Year
31.12.2024 00:00
Hello everyone
Happy new year to some of you from different continents and Happy new year in advance for the people who arent already in 2025.
The year 2024 has passed and it was a major sucess for our server, we went trough ups and downs, we fought many wars, we had many battles but eventually these only made us stronger and pushed us to overcome the situations and become the best version of ourselves.
I wish you all that the year 2025 will be a very kind one, without any major incidents and a sucessfull one for you all on every path that you will choose.
For the Cabal Galaxy server, I wish that in 2025 we will be able to mentain the peace and harmony on our server, deliver sucessfull updates and continue to create a peacefull place for people to enjoy their favorite game and keep the nostalgia feeling in their hearts.
Starlord and the team wishes you all a great new year.

New Year 2025 Event
30.12.2024 00:00
Hello everyone
I couldnt hold back and I decided that we must properly celebrate the new year in a galaxian style.
Therefore several things will apply for the period 30.12.2024 - 02.01.2025
On the 31.12.2024 and 01.01.2024 we will have 8 RANDOM DOUBLE DROPS with a duration of 2 hours each, you are familiar with it already.
During 30.12.2024 - 02.01.2025, legendary chests of dungeons will have a chance to drop you New Years Celebration 2025 Box. This box contains exclusive stuff which will be avaliable just on this new year.
During 30.12.2024 - 02.01.2025 we will also have an ecoin promo running which rewards you with additional 40% ecoins for every ecoin purchase[this promo cumulates with the Red Socks promo which rewards you with 1 Red Socks per euro spent towards buying ecoins]
Take this end of the year with positive vibes and enjoy yourself.
I will send one more message tomorrow with some kind words to reflect on the year that has passed and the year which will come.
Happy farming Galaxians.

Youtube Video TG 37v37
26.12.2024 00:00
10 winners, 50b ea, to be eligible, like the video, subscribe to the channel and write nickname at comment section.
lets goo 37v37 tg
Winner picking sunday after dd, via wheel spinning

Surprise surprise.
23.12.2024 00:00
Surprise surprise.
Starting from tomorrow morning, Random Double drop sessions will happen on Cabal Galaxy on 24 and 25 Dec 2024 to celebrate christmas.
We will have around 8 Double Drop sessions starting at a random time with 2h duration.
Good luck Galaxians!

BattlePass TEST
19.12.2024 00:00
BattlePass has been enabled as a TEST only.
The battlepass feature can be acessed on Website>Dashboard>BattlePass
Yuo will need to do Dungeons/Kills in War and the experience will grow. Harder the dungeon, more exp you can get.
Once you charged the bar at lvl 1 to the max, you will be able to claim the level 1 reward and so on.
If you will like the way the system works(not the rewards, because I am sure you guys are never happy with anything), we can use it in the future
Booster Feature: gives you 2x exp multiplier cost 100b via mail to [adm]starlord ingame
Premium feature: gives you acess to the premium rewards 150b via mail to [adm]starlord ingame
booster and premium are only for current session of Battlepass, the next session will need you to buy other ones

Adjustments have been done to the Christmas Event
13.12.2024 00:00
Adjustments have been done to the Christmas Event:
- Droprate of Cabal Galaxy Socks Token has been increased into every dungeon.
-In Legendary Chest the Blue Socks was changed into Red Socks.
-Invasion has extended into Undead Ground aswell [now its 2 maps instead of 1]
-Invasion monsters can drop between 1 or 2 drops [1 or 2 stacks of socks tokens]
-Blue Socks has been added to N shop for people who want to support the server.

Christmas Event
12.12.2024 00:00
The time has come to celebrate Christmas once again, who would have thought
This year on Cabal Galaxy:
#1 Feature:
-Galaxy Christmas Socks Token will be dropping from Dungeons, all monsters, all dungeons[except Chaos arenas, ft2,aft2 and other dungeons which are possible to be abused]
-Santa's Blue Sock HOHOHO will be dropping from all Dungeons, from Legendary chests[droprate is influenced by the difficulty of the dungeon]
#2Feature: Cabal Galaxy Invasion
-Every 2 hours, at 00:30, 02:30, 04:30, 06:30, 08:30, 10:30, 12:30, 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, 20:30, 22:30 A channel will open, where all monsters from Bloody Ice spawn only ONCE and they can drop you Galaxy Christmas Socks Token
#3 Feature:
-Everyday, 2 times a day, at 13:00 and 19:00 a World Boss will Appear in Undead Ground at the entry point of Epaulet of the Dead. Once defeated he will drop you Shiny Blue Sock HOHOHO and Santa's Red Sock HOHOHO
#4 Feature:
-Map Bosses, every map has 2 Big Santa bosses, they must be defeated and they will drop you Galaxy Christmas Socks Token. The difficulty increases starting from Bloody ice beeing the weakest up until Seni beeing the hardest. The ammount of tokens dropped is also influenced by the difficulty of the boss.
#5 Feature:
-Exchange Shop is situated in Green Despair at Event Girl - YUL
#6 Daily quest:
-Same daily quest which you are used to already. Bloody Ice near the Officer.
During the Christmas event, Precious Activity Token[for every hour you spend online is now 2(before it was one per hour)]
Christmas event ends on 15.01.2025

Update and Changes
08.11.2024 00:00
Hello @everyone
New week, new update:
This week my efforts were focused on bringing unplayed classes back to life[AGAIN] aswell as improving quality of playing on Cabal Galaxy
Classes Changes:
Kwarku[Passive Skill PVE ONLY]:
-Critical DMG +150 [previous 100]
-Sword Skill Amp +75 [previous 50]
Warrior Mastery:
-Had 30% Down Resist when it was supposed to have 30% Down, is now fixed
Force Shielder:
Mioritz[Passive Skill PVE ONLY]:
-Critical DMG +150 [previous 100]
-Sword Skill Amp +75 [previous 50]
Force Blader:
Earth Guard[Passive Skill PVE ONLY]:
-Critical DMG +150 [previous 0]
-Sword Skill Amp +75 [previous 0]
Dungeon changes:
Acheron Arena boosted droprate for SEHH[since its a needed item for items]
Hallowen Dungeon medium now indicates the real ammount of DP gained[it was showing 5 but in reality it was giving 3]
Labyrinth dungeon: Sand, Fire, Ice, Watter Essence in Special Chest at the end changed from 2 pcs per drop to 5 pcs per drop
Labyrinth dungeon: Formula Card 100% Sucess Chance for Ring Fragment [PRE,CI,OUS] drop increased 3x times higher than before.
Item changes:
Cabal Galaxy Prideus Booster The appearance of was changed because people were not paying attention to its name and buying it from other people who tried to benefit from the lack of attention of player who mistakened it with Dragonium Booster
[Epic]Dragonium Great Sword Appearance fixed.
Palladium Gear now is Maximum honor 19, once you pass 1.500.000.000 honor points it becomes unusable
Palladium Set effect Mission war Revamp:
Resist Skill Amp : 100 [Previous 0]
Resist Critical DMG : 200 [Previous 0]
Resist Critical Rate : 50 [Previous 0]
This way, hopefully new people will be able to run from endgamers faster and score their points while they can still be killed.
Reminder: once you pass 1.500.000.000 honor points the Palladium items become unusable
Mission War Changes:
Increased HP of Guardians, gates and Sage
Nshop Changes:
Dragon Orb Price reduced to 200 ecoin, previous price 500 ecoins
Mazel Lost Key price reduced to 200 ecoin, previous price 1500 ecoins
Auction House Changes:
Added Dark Essence into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Light Essence into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Sand Essence into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Ice Essence into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Water Essence into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Fire Essence into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Dragon Orb into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added War Participation Medal into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Precious Activity Token into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Ring Fragments(PRE) into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Ring Fragments(CI) into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Ring Fragments(OUS) into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Dragonium Boosting - Stoneinto the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Fragment - [Epic]Dragonium - Trophy into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added [Epic] Dragonium - Trophy into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added XMas HP Potion into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Halloween HP Potion into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added XMas HP Potion into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Cabal Galaxy Ring Fragment Left Part into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Cabal Galaxy Ring Fragment Right Part into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Cabal Galaxy Ring Reciepe Material into the Craft Items -> Normal Items cattegory
Added Cabal Galaxy Earring (3/6) into the Accesory -> Earrings cattegory
Added Cabal Galaxy Earring (4/6) into the Accesory -> Earrings cattegory
Added Cabal Galaxy Earring (5/6) into the Accesory -> Earrings cattegory
Added Cabal Galaxy Earring (6/6) into the Accesory -> Earrings cattegory
Added Bracelet of Turmacan (3/6) into the Accesory -> Bracelets cattegory
Added Bracelet of Turmacan (4/6) into the Accesory -> Bracelets cattegory
Added Bracelet of Turmacan (5/6) into the Accesory -> Bracelets cattegory
Added Bracelet of Turmacan (6/6) into the Accesory -> Bracelets cattegory
Dragonium Epaulet of Guardian now is displayed in the proper item cattegory
Event Girl UIL- Bloody Ice - Galaxy Exchange Tab changes:
Reconfigured the shop, organised some things and added there Conversion:
-Divine cores into Divine Core Fragment and the opposite [facilitating inventory space for farmers]
-Chaos cores into Chaos Core Fragment and the opposite [facilitating inventory space for farmers]